I fully support it. Also that you can put your weather from where you live live something similar to Omsi.
Posts by Jmasper
That for me is very bad. I prefer to hire infinite workers and pay them more salaries than having to make buildings and lockers for each group of personne.
Some time ago I created a thread here where I commented on what improvements/suggestions would be good for the game, and that was one of them.
Now as we already have the coaches there is less excuse for that to be put in place although it would be nice to have more variety of coaches.if you know something about Fernbus Simulator is that it has a DLC on soccer and that would also be good to include it and take advantage of the coaches for tourism, schools, excursions and things that require a coach and not a city bus, for example something that comes to mind right now is a congress.
But of course that would also have another counterpart.when you investigate,you can choose to expand map and if you choose something like Fernbus no longer makes sense.I commented that it would be better to remove that research,have an open map for an entire region,country or state and pay a license to use X lines that the game creates.and if they wanted to finish it off in a fantastic way put '' events '' for real.we have lived the Olympics in Paris or the Eurocup in Germany and somehow you could put such events for the player to service him.
Sabes que te digo @[PeDePe] Daniel T. que no te traduzco nada,buscate tu la vida.Ya estoy harto de que ustedes me tomen el pelo.Si tu como moderador no sabes ingles tu no puedes moderar un foro aunque es curioso que mensajes atras si sabias.
I understand that this game does not ask for a license that costs money.the game has a very small audience, has a small sales and would be very expensive and I understand and respect it.what I as a player and holder of the game I can not understand that I and my fellow players are taken the joke in this way.half of the vehicles are made by people under free mods on a platform that if it is great.what happens? So much it would cost you that from home, every so often put the family of the C2 putting only C2, C2K, C2 G ? I give an example but I could put more.
If I have paid a minimum closed money I am treated well not like a fool, because if half of the content is made by anonymous people I demand that my half of the payment goes to them and if they do it for free give me back half the money.it turns out that some time later you take out a DLC, called Green, where you return to put several buses without completing a family but you only put electric buses because the hybrids or CNG, there are.that if with modders, everything goes and you save you the work.well that's called being a cheeky.
And now you publish to everyone that you are going to release more DLC, paid content, more buses, for what? To do half the work, don't release anything and if you do, sell it at half the price if the other half is done by the players/moders.
One more thing, I don't care if you care but one day people will get tired and I'm not saying that they won't buy a game or dlc but that they will send you shit but not to you but to many companies.
You are a small group, you can still correct many things but it is up to you.
I have to disappoint you at this point. Your expectations cannot be fulfilled.
Since our software is a paid product, we are not allowed to simply integrate one or the other vehicle into our software without the consent of various licensors. If we do not have the approval of individual vehicle manufacturers, we cannot (and must not) integrate a bus just like that. Depending on the agreement, the granting of licenses can result in significantly high costs, which we would ultimately have to factor into our sales price. However, as we use the Steam Workshop connection, all options are open to you without incurring any additional costs.
I do not agree.since the game came out and I bought it I knew that this could not ask for a real brand and I do not ask here that you put a real brand I ask that things are done logically.it is not logical that today I can buy a new O405 when 20 years ago that is not manufactured.the logical thing would be that this model was second hand.it is not logical that today I can buy a new O405 when 20 years ago that is not manufactured.the logical thing would be that this model was second hand.If you create the new NLC12 model it would be logical to put all its range, short, normal, 15 meters and 18 plus hybrid and electric version, that's what I ask.if it turns out that to get a model I have to resort to a mod created by the community it is logical that I pay them half the cost of the game.if the developer does not do it and another if the one who does it to be paid no?
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
The workshop is intended to expand the content with downloadable extensions. Why don't you want to take advantage of this offer? - The Steam Workshop offers a rating and comment function for each mod. You are certainly welcome to actively participate.
Just because the Steam workshop is great and valid for many games does not mean that I have to use it.if it turns out that someone does in this case,buses,because the developers do not want to make them sell me the game at half price,you are making half the game because you do not make that offer to new players and those of us who bought the game you give us back that half of the money ? I invite you to do it.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Why do I as a user and buyer of a product have to download a mod no matter how well done it is? If I were a developer I would be ashamed of that message, that people from outside work more than me.
Si,añadir desvios aposta como eventos y si se averia un bus un mecanico a pie de calle
Bien,tambien añadir Citaro Hybrid y mas versiones de las ya existentes asi como otro tipo de combustible.
Buena idea,pero si añaden eso lo pondría cuando compras el bus en la zona de pintura sea nuevo o repintes
I personally do not see that this is interesting for the following reasons.most of the buses included are new and therefore work the same.what would have to be fixed is to include more models even if they are already in the worshop.I do not see the sense of buying an O405 that is not manufactured and I can not buy a Lion's City Hybrid.neither can I buy a Man Lion's GL.and electric buses are missing a lot as another type of green technology.then the driver of a bus sometimes crashes and leaves late or is ordered to repair or clean a bus and when returning it, it comes out as a new one. And of electrics are missing a lot as other types of green technology.then the driver of a bus sometimes crashes and leaves late or the game is ordered to repair or clean a bus and to return it is late and already goes wrong and as above the game tells you that in rush hour loads to full bus is very late and you can not put it on time so I personally does not tell me anything if the doors are faster or not.
I'm going to leave these suggestions/proposals for the game :
1 :The game is based on an indefinite period of time, that is, it goes from Monday to Sunday. It could be loaded
an API to be able to play in real time since the same people will not be there on a Monday as on a Sunday, a holiday or a summer on a beach.
You could also make sure there is a kind of climate, even if it is not really local, that is, one Tuesday it rains or another it is sunny.
2 : Incorporate more bus/coach models into the game as well as CNG and hydrogen systems or other fuel systems.
You could make some simpler paint schemes and letters and add advertising.
3 : About the month 02 or 03 of 2024, it is expected in an update to renew the map. I propose that it be allowed when creating a line that is made as a colored line through some streets.
For other streets, another color that is for entrance/exit of garages as well as temporary streets. Now the game creates a series of events, it would be good
That as a player, knowing that tomorrow there will be a demonstration in some streets, I can enter that event and create those streets with provisional itineraries.
4 : When you investigate something you pay twice, the investigation and the investigator, so I propose eliminating the person and turning him into an inspector.
Leave an investigation screen only when the player wants to pay for it.
5 : Regarding the expansion of the maps for research, I propose that each player can work in a closed area of 10KM
and pay if you want to expand that area. I say this and something mentioned above for the following.
6 : It could be done that when you are in a city you can not only treat its urban service and something interurban
If not, you can create long-distance routes like FLIXBUS. You pay for the service line and add that line if you want.
coaches type Setra, Mercedes, Man, Neoplan etc...
Also, schools call for excursions, I think that's it, or they ask us to do their school services.
7 : At some point the possibility of playing online was mentioned. I don't see that this game requires it but it would be nice
That if you can classify player and company online and propose aid to those who meet certain conditions such as having X electric buses, a special service or something like that.
Also, if something could be done with an API, put special services to certain places. For example, if there is a carnival in Venice now, send buses there since that service pays more and better.
and so on all over the world when there are festivities, concerts, etc...
8 : You could see the following. If online companies register, I as a player can buy and sell buses from other players.
And if I have a line, Paris-London, to give an example, request an increase in it by paying whoever runs X buses or events in cities.
9 : I was commenting earlier on the issue of the people who investigate changing to being inspectors. The game has two cameras, a warehouse and a city map, it would be
Well, when I see the city I can at that moment be an inspector to, for example, not only put an extra bus on a line but also make sure that if a bus is late, put it in place.
or attend to an accident.
10 : Be able to create the rates you want.
11 : Storage rooms or garages. You can create them as you wish, downloaded as a prefabricated model or in the same way but taken from the real map.
Likewise having unlimited power of bases.
12 : Inside the garage there is an option that when a bus enters and if the player wants, it will automatically refuel and clean the internal area at whatever time the bus arrives. The external one is left to the player's free option.
13 : Be able to make calendars for employees.
14 : The game upon entering forces us to create an entire base that I do not understand since the purpose of the game is based on creating lines and providing a service.
I would leave the construction optional and would put the minimum as an internal office, workshops and that's it. If I want to serve the public or I do it in my base
or I look on the map for a place where I hire people and every X amount of time I am charged for the cost of the entry of people.
I would also like my employees to access the base, take their bus and work and then go home when they finish, not be in the garage 24/7.
15 : About the lines. Another person commented that, like me, he would like a driver, for example, to work an 8-hour day and change to another shift.
It is done on the street not in the garage.
Not only do I propose and wish for it, but I also add the following.
When I create a line I want to make it so that that line uses 10 buses that even I can choose which ones they are.
Each bus can be identified as Service/Convoy 1,2,3, etc... and each bus can be given a schedule independent of the line.
I don't see logic that if a line runs at 10 minutes, I don't count peak hours, it always runs at 10 minutes, especially from 4-5 in the morning, 10 at night and night services.
Also make it possible for a line to be divided into several garages and not leave one and for each line to have its header.
arrival-rest and departure to regulate the buses.
That's all for now, greetings.
I would like to propose something else. This comes from the last update plus the patch released in July 2024. When I enter my game and I want to create a line I have the option of choosing one that certain clients offer me but if I close the game and go back to load these are changed but they do not change when the game is active.I receive clients from towns and my suggestion would be if a possible ''virtual'' line that the client desires or that I would propose one would be possible. I would also propose to that client that if a line passes nearby that they take advantage of it.Other clients who ask me for service are health centers, is it just me or is it more players? I mention it because I see it as absurd. If it were a hotel or a tourist site, a museum, then okay, but what's the point of a hospital and I return to the point from before, if that site is already served by a line, something could be given to the client so that takes the line.And finally, since the last update of the map, stops that were not there before were added or put, would it be possible to detect those stops that may be duplicated to remove them?
Thanks for the translation
Ich bin Spanier und könnte helfen, indem ich Dinge übersetze. -
Mr. @Zelleb when one is in the BSO and has his company makes two payments. One is the KEY of the ADDON itself and another one is a license to operate. Even if that license was not necessary and anyone could have a company, it was already said and Again, you can not squeeze everyone equally. If my company wants to compete with you with another, it forces you to pay each month, pay for maps, buses etc ... but if I want to play with friends, like most users, but I want to do it with few do not force me to pay month after month, buses or maps, because if I do not have activity I can not move forward.
And one can not be 24/7 on the computer. That he can and wants to be worth but not everyone can.
If in the end this is a game to have fun you yourselves are breaking it.
One does not have to go from company to company as if it were a jumping monkey.
My company for which I worked has had to close. There are many, both public and private but it is no longer the same. I do not feel sorry or sorry if it has closed, but it has closed because of who is carrying the BSO. In this post I am going to put, poorly closed and created by me, gave some suggestions to put the game or BSO.Some can be put already, others wait, others are suggestions etc ... at least to be studied.None of that, just tell nonsense that people want to play a game with friends and nothing else the rest do not want any real.
MY POST CLOSED WITH SUGGESTIONS: Update for companies and grants
So now I wonder. If you want the game in which you are to be with your friends spending a while and not being serious because it does not decide the BSO and do not fix the owners of the BSO the companies that be friends who spend all do not pay taxes or farm every end of the month?
The answer is not that it would be unfair. The fair thing is that if both private and public companies can play and earn money and pay but if you want to spend some time with your friends that the company does not force you to pay.
To get to the point companies made closed do not pay, I do not see either, but I see that it did best fit with what each company declares.A Rabia a thing.No long ago I propose some suggestions and I closed the If you are looking for something which is not in the right place, then you should be able to do it. Because any player can be in any company? It is not very normal We are many users The closing problems will only bring more protests.
I want to say this. I have a friend who likes Omsi and bought the BSO. He has the illusion of creating his company, but he is not the only one who has the right to make it 24/7 playing and doing things so they do not close. If you are looking for a product, you can go to the Omsi website. Who loses? BSO owners who lose money and clients. I do not buy a license today. Seeing the shit you're doing.
I think it's time to think about it, it's like it's meant to be. Since as I said before, who wants to be damaged will be the BSO since people with the OMSI have to spare and have many more games to play.
This happens because the BSC has gone out of hand. If this is a game and does not want to be like real life that change. But if they continue so make it more real and true to reality. While day by day is that only those who have many buses and especially drivers who play can earn money and pay without problems the price of any map thing that a small no.
I speak as a worker of a company that proposes an idea for any company. Some will like it and others will not like some users.
You and your partners have created a battle. You can say no but not lock yourself in a room saying no and that it hurts when not even just users to get ahead to try a BETA, if it puts, something. As you can say that My idea hurts someone if you do not even bother to try it in the future?
Again ... 3 or 4 times I have to repeat things. The first time I said: Wait months to a bus. Evidently people leave the BSC, but for buying a bus and waiting a day or two is not going to happen either Let's not get out of our hair or want to be more papist than the pope.
Hi bro, but I do not care. Although being so, your work really does not seem to understand ups and downs in lines.
I do not criticize if it takes a lot or not to repair a bus. I do not seek the maximum reality although it collides that you buy a game that simulates to take buses, you buy an addon that simulates a company and because in the future, idea, this, os volvais locos.No want to base Omsi and BSC in a realistic part? Ostia then for a little more nothing happens.
Look, if you or anyone my idea does not like you are free to say it. Freedom of expression is called. But do not say that idea will break Omsi or BSC when you are not even willing to prove it. That is what gives the If you do not understand it is not my problem.
Again with the bitch waiting.Coño is a suggestion to implant if you like two sectors, player and owner of the BSC.But do not criticize something that is not know or want to try.
Oh it is that it takes 3 months to wait ... For a bus and to lower it ... but for a map I proposed a month or two. What happens that there are no maps or what? But what happens is that big companies are not interested in losing. That's the problem.
Maybe you as a player and only driver there are things you do not know.Because in the BSC this is because every end of the month a company has to declare to the Treasury of the BSC its money? Why was it put. That is realistic criticalo.Lo that happens if you do not declare you la pela.Te passed this thread:
Extrem Hohe Mapgebühren (über 117.000,--€ für 12 Maps) 12-maps / & pageNo = 1
I do not see any comment you find that change that policy that is fucking many companies and others close? That if it is breaking the BSC and Omsi and you do not criticize it and already it is put. Well go person you are like player ...
Sería más fácil si hay gente '' '' TROLL '' prohibidos en el juego porque si entran a la mierda, no puede ser que las empresas pierden.
Look, I'm a simple player I do not know how BSC works but with people like you two busting threads at the end this better one playing any other game than tried a player in Omsi level up, improve a company, take care of Omsi and BSC and What a pity not to have two fingers in front.
For my Go Bus is great I do not know how much I do not care, I just say that if Go Bus generates an amount X that pays everything in function of that amount. Here I proposed that lines or maps were auctioned for a while, I do not see the problem that that happens From an idea you have created a battle.
If you do not understand this translated English ok but then I will speak my official language and look for life. And you fuck to other users who read this thread.
So if you do not want to try an idea how dare you question it? How do you know it does not benefit you or hurt you if you do not test it? Do not you dare for fear? Or because you know that even Go Bus can lose enough in a ranking or money? It is a game just eh that some are forgotten.
If here we are for fun and within that to simulate Omsi as each company sends. Then each person can choose whether to enter or not to suggest something that benefits or not the game.
I repeat because you did not understand. I said the first time that if you buy a bus to wait a few months, something that with all logic is crazy.Now wait a time of two or three days do not look so bad.I do not know what you do in real life I do not care, but I can tell you that repairing an electric fault bus is not that simple, you have to review a lot. Pinning a bus in real life takes three days working hard with it.
Go with not understand, as it is explained again. A company buys a Volvo 7900 Hybrid. When it buys BSC a document in which proves that he has paid € 15,000 with taxes for that bus. And BSC having that document in hand can give you a little help or subsidy for buying an ecological bus.
This aid would only be received by private companies, not public companies.
Every person is free but here you can choose whether or not you want a company. It's an option like not having your own company.
Everyone is free to play with whoever wants to but it is not the same as I join with you from company to company other than that we are unknown to put me with someone who is my friend.
You only know how to look at a wall. Here nobody ruin anything. If you do not understand the concept that several companies struggle to play on the different maps is not my problems. That this is a simple suggestion. Not a battle.
I am courts with you but you and your partner soys who here in this thread have created a battle. You are free to say that if you do not like an idea, you like to improve one point or another, make changes but lock yourself in a hamster wheel and say no, no, no and not always and still more to say that BSC would break and refuse to try it even if it was beta is a 5 year old children's tantrum.
Thanks to these people we have a lot of people give up playing and this is only the big companies.
Desde anoche anuncias este place.If que hay problema con el mapa de comentar y la gente va a estar tranquilo.
The problem that maps are so expensive is because when a company declares the BSC's farm is priced equal to the one who earns € 1,000 than the one who earns € 500,000. So what you have to do is adjust prices so that each company, according to declare a company to the treasury of the BSC is to pay according to what it declares because if this follows the great companies will remain large and close small and medium and that if limited to the BSC and cut freedom.
That of the maps happens because they do not know to control the demand and the companies and to handle the prices better. This makes that small and medium companies can hardly play since it does not allow them to get to buy those maps and to have them.
I answered @ Pursuitgamer6 since I like to answer these things.
You have reason to put 2/3 months to wait for a bus is a lot, in that aspect I messed up and I was wrong. But to wait a week or a few days I do not think it is bad. If you want to paint a bus to leave it well it takes two days minimum, then if you put something else on.
I already see your reading comprehension. If a company buys to tell you the Volvo 7900 Hybrid just left and shows the BSC who has bought it, BSC, will give you an aid for having an ecological bus. If the company that requests the help is not public receives the help since who has to prove that is played are the private. We say that the public are open companies that are not so controlled or watched by anyone and are the launch of players so they can be better drivers, mechanics and last owner One of the graces of the BSC is to own a company.
The auctions will be when BSC wants. The grace is that the company that wins has to prove that it has won. But it does not need to play 24/7 on the same map. There are many more. It is a healthy competition if in the end you are given the same to be a month in a map that in another, what they give is diversion with whom you want.
Each owner decides who to play with but it would not be fair to make a chain of friends and companies to do us a favor.
I do have one thing clear. This is / are some suggestions for BSC and any player and workers of BSC and Omsi. It is a new branch to be able to use in the game.
Let's go another step.Omsi 2 simulates to take buses.Then why do you stick to simulate something more in the matter of company?
I know because you and the other partner decides not to this proposal or suggestion. Because you are in a company that are in the top 10 for money, fame, quality ... but if they put a barrier you are no longer interested.Claro if now that company earns a million a month with what I propose you will win at best 300.000 € then it is not to your taste. The freedom for you and your company is to make money and already. As you know that it is cut do not like.
I accept that you say no but I invite you as I said before to the other person to put this in a TEST SERVER and try it and leave doubts.
This is serious as can any other proposal.
A greeting.
Grateful of you to answer even if you don't understand my idea. I'll answer later.
When I said that you buy a bus and you have to wait a month or two, well, it's okay for me to stop by, but a company that buys a bus and waits a week doesn't seem so bad to me, a company that buys a new bus actually has to wait until it's out of stock.
Omsi unfortunately has many limitations that are neither going to be fixed nor wanted but it would be nice to know if in the future they could order the model to the taste of the consumer.
Let's see, if you have your company and you win the map of X10 for 3 months, to say the least, a player only if he can play, those who are in a public company also, those who can not play on that map will be the ones who have the private company and its workers. is not a frightened one, it's a contest or better an auction where the company wins which better conditions contribute to a contract. if your owner of your company you contribute more than me because you win.
People who create free or DLC maps as well as free and paid buses would strive to create better maps, bigger maps, more lines, different vehicles with different combinations and more varied combinations etc... that leads to bigger Omsi and BSO.
If I don't care if there are 100 or 1,000 companies, if the important thing is to play, it's not to force anyone to play every day, but to encourage people to reconsider the BSO as if they are in a company that manages X maps or buses and competes in a healthy way with others, there are people who play a lot because they can and can't and that will continue here and in any other game.
You don't agree? I'm okay with your free opinion. But I rethink an option, as the owner of a company, try it to find out if you like it or not.
A little final comment about this suggestion as well as others in this section of the forum: Maybe you can use this from BETA so that in the not too distant future you can pass this on to the next game: LOTUS and then leave it polished and fixed.
I answer GameBurrow.
Here in the first place it is only a suggestion that aims to make the BSC bigger and does not restrict anyone or anything.
I said that if you buy a bus to wait a few months but that you can change it to weeks that would be better and more logical, and here you can enter another suggestion: instead of buying a model already made as such, which is requested with different configurations, that would mean updating the existing bus models and improving them.
If a company goes to a BSC manager, which would be to create and manage the companies better than it is now, if it shows that company that buys an ecological bus, give it a subsidy as in real life.
When I refer to the test, it comes from a suggestion of another player who proposes that companies can test buses for a while.
It is proposed that BSC auction a map of DLC or not and propose that the winning company put X drivers, make X services, earn X money, buy X buses etc... It is about creating a competition between companies.
If your company can't play on a map for a few months, like others, they are rules that can be put in place, but that map won't be paid for since you won't play.
Each person will be free to leave or enter the company they want or accept you, here I propose that each person has his or her resume and that through it the company that is serious when hiring employees values if you are interested or not.
In my case, I don't know if there is a bank or not, here it is, BSC, will have its bank that will lend you money and will control that the companies work, the one that does it badly will be punished or it will have to close and be sold or auctioned.
You can't choose whether you're public or private because people will have a lot of nerve. you'll have to spend some time before going from private to public to be able to participate in things, otherwise you won't. now the company that is public doesn't receive aid or subsidies which a private company does.
Simple: If a company is private, those within it will have to fight to stay in their rankings, they could be ranked according to each company has buses, people, money etc... but each private company shows month by month that it is solvent and can continue, that it can fight to win a map, that it can invest in buses and facilities, something that a public company will have to be open 24/7 and accept that it cannot enter in certain places as long as it is not able to enter in certain places.
In the end, my idea is that if today there are 100 companies to say something, and that 90 of them are private, that among those private ones there is a kind of struggle like a U. T. E. to get maps, money, whatever it is, nobody is deprived, on the contrary we want to involve more people so that they can play and be serious.
I will comment on this proposal: BSC is responsible for dividing up between public and private companies.
So every private company not only has to prove that it can pay and keep on working month after month, but also that incentives will be given: a company, always and from here onwards will be the private ones, if it buys a CNG bus, it will have to prove it and will receive a real life, similar to real life help. if now the EURO 6 engines are sold, every company that invests in green vehicles receives help. if a company buys a bus that is not EURO 6, every company that invests in green vehicles receives help. if a company buys a bus that is not EURO 6.
When a company buys a bus, it doesn't receive it automatically, but waits a few months to have it, you can buy the ones you want and you can open the possibility of installment payments or renting / leasing.
From time to time, BSC will be able to auction maps of both DLC and the companies that want to enter the game, the winning company will have to put at BSC's disposal whatever it requires, e. g. X10: Auction for 40,000 € and oblige the winning company to give a minimum of 10 trips per month and get 10,000 € of profit, in turn they will be forced to buy articulated, standarized buses.
It will be controlled that each driver in this case players, are clean, do not go from company to company, usually play well without blows, no fuss etc... and will have a history or curriculum so that each owner of company knows who enters or who leaves.
I'm going to propose something else that I couldn't think of yesterday.
Setting up a bank that is controlled by the BSC and companies may use it to borrow money.
In the same way, this bank will have to regulate that companies don't get into debt and that if they do it and can't pay, they will close down and go out to auction.
If they want to become private, they will have a trial period of 3 months. if it is the opposite of private to public, it will be immediate and any aid or subsidy that has a private one will be lost.
Finally, private companies will be ranked in a ranking that, something is being done now but it should be improved, in which if a company proves to have few blows, many travellers transported, arriving on time, things like that will be helped as a reward and also create challenges with reward for these companies.
Creo que es una buena idea.
Dejar de discutir sobre moderacion y poner el puñetero mapa frances que es lo que toca.
Ich muss immer wieder schmunzeln, über diverse Posts hier, und frage mich jedesmal: Warum spielt man den BBS, wenn man unzufrieden ist? Wenn ihr euch tagtäglich über BBS nervt und nicht zufrieden seit, warum spielt ihr dann im BBS weiter????
Bei Steam könnt ihr das Produkt zurückgeben, wenn es euch nicht passt, oder wechselt zum AOD...
Sorry Leute, aber langsam ist das hier wie im Kindergarten. Ihr beschwert euch fast jeden Tag über den BBS, aber trotzdem spielt ihr weiter...
Das mit den Kartengebühren wurde so oft erklärt warum die so hohe Gebühren haben. Aber es wird IMMER, sobald man die Maps verlängern kann, darüber beschwert.
Es ist niemand gezwungen den BBS zu spielen, ihr könnt den BBS auch einfach deinstallieren, oder wechselt zum AOD...
Ich spiele BBS, weil ich es genau wie du gekauft habe, denn wenn es Fehler mit OMSI hat, dann will ich, dass sie es reparieren und aufhören, so faul und faul zu sein.
Da Steam es Ihnen erlaubt, ein Produkt unter welchen Bedingungen, ich bin nicht zufrieden mit BBS, geben Sie mir Ihr Geld zurück und jeder ist glücklich, und wenn Sie mir ein anderes Spiel kaufen können. was passiert jetzt, dass Ihr Geld, das echte berühren Sie es nicht richtig? Was für ein Nerv.
Wenn eine Karte nicht 40.000 € kostet, dann repariere sie, wenn du vor BBS auf den Knien bist, dann schluckst du weiter, ich nicht.
PS: Nicht einmal die Nachricht berühren, Leute von Moderation/Verwaltung, die es versaut haben, das ist genug, um Fehler zu verbergen und zu verstecken.