BCS start/entry point list

  • Logfile uploaded?

    This is Ahlheim-Laurenzbach Updated Line Network Overhaul 14.0.0 mod and there are new stops and departure points. The left new start point bus stop is not in the start point list (right - original ALU map). How can I update or create a new starting point list?

    Thank you!

    Good news! I solved it, I have to create Entry Point in Editor and place it, enter the name and save the map. It works! But thanks anyway. ;)

    Edited once, last by marcellp: Merged a post created by marcellp into this post. ().

  • marcellp

    Changed the title of the thread from “BCS start point location” to “BCS start/entry point list”.
  • Hello marcellp

    This is a line pack issue, not a BBS issue. Therefore I am moving the post to the correct area.

    We are not allowed to provide any official (PeDePe) information about changes to third-party content. Other users may have tips here.

    But we're glad you were able to fix the problem yourself. Other users may also benefit from your solution ;)

    Freundliche Grüße / Kind regards

    Jan B.

    Supporter - PeDePe -

  • [PeDePe] Jan B.

    Set the Label from In process to Closed (Solution)