is server down again i can't get on to BCS
BCS server down as i can't get into BCS again not going past the first page i know it not my end as i've tested my pc and got full signal
is server down again i can't get on to BCS
BCS server down as i can't get into BCS again not going past the first page i know it not my end as i've tested my pc and got full signal
Unfortunately here same issue again
tthought it was meant to be 14th when it gose down also glad it not just me haha
guten morgen!
bei mir das gleiche problem!
Guten Morgen in die Runde,
Ich habe das Problem ebenfalls. Ebenso wie andere berichtet haben das man aus der BBS Handy app gesegelt ist
Moin zusammen
Ich hab es eben auch mal versucht. Bei mir das selbe.
Entwickler wurden Informiert.
I've just tried it too. Same for me.
Developers have been informed.
Mee Too xD
Es sollte nun wieder alles wie gewohnt funktionieren.
Everything should now work as usual again.
Hi everybody. Again, I can't go in! This has already become quite boring, as it began to happen quite often. But I don't usually write about it here. But today we had a control center, we were able to complete it, but the last tour (it was for 60 minutes) I could not complete the "no connection to the server" and lost about 10,000.(
Всем привет. И снова я не могу зайти! Это уже порядком поднадоело, так как стало происходить довольно часто. Но обычно я не пишу об этом здесь. Но сегодня у нас был центр управления, мы смогли завершить его, но во время последнего тура (он длился 60 минут) Я не смог завершить "нет подключения к серверу" и потерял около 10 000.(